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ANZAC Square Restoration, Brisbane, QLD

ANZAC Square is the state memorial to Queenslanders who have served their country. Since its opening in 1930, it has been the site for major commemorations. Recently the site underwent restoration to enhance the ANZAC Square parkland and to preserve its heritage. A joint initiative supported by all levels of Government, the site now has better accessibility into the memorial space for an improved visitor experience.

Project Design Brief

To improve wheelchair and walking access, a key part of the design brief was to ensure pavements were to be constructed as flat as possible. Designers also required a trench drain to remove surface water runoff on wet days. The drain needed to be visually discreet to not overshadow the pavement design as well as pedestrian safe.

ACO's Solution


  • The 0.5% built-in fall slope of the KlassikDrain K100 channels allowed the pavements to be constructed flat and still provide sufficient runoff to the outlet within the system
  • Brickslot’s slotted top addressed pedestrian safety issues relating to stiletto heels
  • The Brickslot system could be positioned close to the retaining walls ensuring a discreet drainage installation
Anzac Square Restoration

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